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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Typical Antiguan Weekend Foods

Usually on Fridays and Saturdays many Antiguans take a break from the kitchen and venture out to local eateries to grab a bite to eat. Below are some of the typical foods that are usually consumed on the weekends in Antigua. All photos are the property of S.Davis and not to be used without my permission.

Bread, butter & cheese

Bun, sausage and cheese (yes I couldn't wait I had to take a bite)

Conch Water

Fried Fish

Mix of maw and rice pudding

Local vendor selling homemade soursop ice cream. Prepared using the old fashioned ice-cream maker.

Soursop ice cream (once again couldn't wait I had to dig in)

 Rice pudding - totally different from the North American version. I won't tell what its made of, unless you ask ;). I would suggest you try it and leave it at that.

Rice Pudding (yes I know what it reminds you of but don't go there lol)

Roti (filling and skin) made by me during a private lesson.

Seafood chowder

Season rice

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